Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Thoughs on Christianity and Gay Marriage--I'm all for LOVE.

First of all, I am never really one to get into political or controversial debates, mostly because I don’t really think it ever really matters debating and arguing things or ideas that don’t directly or personally involve me. However, I am going to put my 2cents in on this one.

Lately (it seems like more so than usual), there has been so much debate and argument over the controversy of gay marriage rights. WHY? Why can't people just be allowed to live happily, reguardless of whom they choose to love, and have the same rights as anyone else?? First of all, I am just going to say that I am a full believing - Jesus Saves - Christian girl. I fully believe and have faith that Jesus died on the cross for my sins that I might have eternal life with Him in Heaven. I further believe that it is the faith in Christ and my eternal after-life, that gives me the peace and assurance that I can make it through any trial or struggle here on this earth. STOP.

However, I do not believe that because of my faith, I have any right to tell other's that they are "wrong" and I am "right". I do not believe that I am any better than anyone else here on this earth, or that because people don’t believe exactly what I believe, that they won’t go to heaven, or be as  blessed in their lifetime here on this earth. I don’t believe for a second that I was put here on this earth to be the judge of that anyway.  That being said, I am so sick and tired of “Christians” judging others and purposefully causing hurt to other people in this world. So if this is you, STOP IT! You're making us all look bad! If people truly believed the Bible when the Bible says “all sin leads to death”, then they would quit worrying so much about what other people are doing and focus more on perfecting themselves. I can almost guarantee that the same people pointing fingers and making statements that gay people are sinners and going against God, are the same people who are cheating on their spouses, and getting drunk on weekends, and using the Lord’s name in vain. They are the same people who smile at you in church on Sunday, and talk badly about you behind your back on Monday. Who are they to decide which sins are worse in God’s eyes?? God says He is they only Judge, so why is everyone so hell-bent on judging everyone else? Maybe instead of passing judgment and pretending that they know best, Christians should focus more on extending love toward people and follow Christ’s example. Jesus ate dinner with thieves and prostitutes. He hung out and loved on the people that members of the church had outcast. He showed kindness and compassion.

I know and love plenty of gay people, and I know that there is NO WAY I could ever look a single one of them in the eye and tell them, “I believe you are a sinner because of the way you choose to live your life, and I don’t believe you’re going to heaven.” First of of all, even if I felt that way, (which I don't ;) it would never be my place to say. What good would that do? What would it solve? Nothing. It would just make me a judgmental person, and I would lose all trust and credibility with my friends and peers. And also, because if a sin is a sin is a sin, then that means I’ll be sitting right alongside them in hell, because I sin every day. As much as I try to be a good example of a Christian, and a good steward on this earth, I am not perfect and I never will be, and I don’t pretend to be.

And why does it affect others so much if homosexuals are able to have the same rights as a married man&woman? I don’t think that it should matter one ounce to a husband and a wife who are happily married, that a gay couple in Boston is allowed to have access to each other’s medical records. People are so focused on a “definition of a word” when there are so many BIGGER issues in this world! WAKE UP, PEOPLE! Stop worrying so much about hating other people’s actions and lifestyles, and start worrying about how to make yourself a better person.

I read somewhere in one article that a Christian was so upset about this because he felt like mankind shouldn't have the audacity to try and change God's definition of marriage. However, isn’t that what organized religions all over the world do every single day? They change their rules and definitions all the time (*and my personal favorite, they 'received testimony') to conveniently go along with their policies in their present time. If they REALLY took the bible literally, then having pierced ears would be a sin. Well, I have piercings and tattoos, and I know God still loves me. I know some denominations consider body piercings to be a sin, and they have made up ridiculous rules that woman may have 1-2 earrings per ear, any more that that would be immodest, therefore sinful. GIVE ME A BREAK! And God bless the Catholics who still serve wine at communion, and there are so many denominations that see any amount of alcohol as a sin. Did we all forget that Jesus’ first miracle was turning the water into wine at a wedding, so that the party could continue??? We can’t just cut and paste the words of the bible to line up with our own personal believes, yet so actively shun the individual who ‘has the audacity’ to try to change one single definition of a word “marriage” publicly.

As far as the politics go, I feel that it is ludicrous that government officials are the ones that are trying to tell people how to live their lives, especially in a country that was founded on the principle of the persuit of happiness.  This is not to touch on our constitutional rights, I’m gonna take it a step further and remind the Christians who are so strongly against homosexuality, that God gave people free will. How is it up to ANYBODY how other people CHOOSE to live their lives? If all the Christians banded together to put a “stop” to homosexuality, well, guess what, it’s still not going anywhere. So I would suggest that they focus their energy on leading by example and love instead of casting judgment and hate.

This is not meant to offend anybody and start a debate, so save yourselves from arguing or debating with me on this because I don’t care to debate with you. My only goal out of this is that we all start focusing on making ourselves better individuals and stop casting stones at other people. Thank God he blessed us all with our own thoughts, opinions, and a very special little thing called free-will.

I love Target! and Gay people :)

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