Sunday, October 16, 2011

Chicago, my new love.

Look out, people. I think I may have just discovered my new favorite city!!! I was so lucky to have been able to spend 5 days in Chicago last week, and to say I fell in love, would be an understatement! I left Denver bright and early on Thursday morning, and by noon I was having a fabulous lunch outside on the beautiful downtown streets of Chi-town.  I was in awe and full of excitement as I rode the train from Midway to the Loop. First of all, I could not have picked a better weekend to visit. The weather was absolutely perfect and sunny. Fall was at it's peak, and I could not get over the beautiful trees and bright foliage scene. As soon as I saw the peaks of the Sears Tower and the John Hancock Bldg. peeking out above the skyline, I knew I was in for a good time.

After having a lovely lunch and coffee break, I took a cab from downtown to Lincoln Park, where I met up with my cousins Mindy, Scott, and Miah. They drove me around the city, and we had a great dinner together. The next day was spent hanging out in the suburbs with my Aunt Val for an awesome BBQ. It was great to get in family time.


 After a good time with family, it was back to the city for me.  I took the "L" from the Sox Stadium on the south side, to Wrigley Field on the north end of the city to meet up with my sweet friend, Alexe. The anticipation of getting to my friend was out of control! I was so excited to see her, as it had been 2 years since our last reunion. Alexe Colson is one of the most incredible people I've ever met, and I attribute much of my growth as a human being, to her. She was one of my best friends during the year that I lived in Crested Butte. Alexe is such an inspiring and beautiful woman, and she is the reason that I ran the Chicago Marathon. As soon as I got to her neighborhood, "Boystown", we unloaded my stuff, then it was off to a carb-loaded dinner. Alexe's friend Mallory and her roomate Paige, were so gracious to make a wonderful spaghetti dinner, to get us fueled up for the upcoming event! After the lovely walk home, and staying up way too late getting caught up on life, we finally made it to bed.

When I was on the train from the airport, I had met a woman who was also in town for the marathon. She had run several, including Boston, and gave me a bit of advice. She said it was imperative that the day before the marathon, to get out and run 2 miles to get my body ready. She seemed like someone that this marathon rookie would DEF take advice from, so the next morning, Alexe and I dutifully ran our 2 miles along Lake Shore Drive. I was still just enamored of the splendor of the city pushed right up along Lake Michigan, which seriously looks like the ocean! Chicago also seems like a very health-conscious city, with all the parks, bike lanes, and amount of people out running :) It made me feel like I was back home in Denver. 

Later that day, we met up with Mallory and headed down to the marathon expo center to get our race packets and memorabilia.  After taking buses, trains, and walking clear across town, we had gotten caught up in all the excitement of the marathon expo. Mallory was on a mission to find a headband with "26.2" and I was on a mission to find a bumper sticker with the same, but we were unsuccessful. All of a sudden, I looked at the time and realized it was 3:00, and I had yet to have a single drink of water or bite of food ALL DAY! Which was really stupid, considering we all should have been well-hydrated and fueled up that day. I'm embarrassed to admit, I had a major meltdown and freak out moment. I panicked as I realized how late in the day it was, and how unprepared I was for running 26 miles the next day. Thankfully the girls were forgiving of my bad attitude, and we grabbed dinner and water, and headed home...But NOT before stopping off at Molly's Cupcakes for a well-deserved treat :) 

The next day came all too soon! Up at 4:30 with coffee, breakfast, and were on the train back downtown to the starting line. Before I even knew what was happening, we were off and running through every neighborhood of this magnificent city! And it was cemented in my mind that I was in love, and I MUST come back when I have more time to explore all the wonderful things that Chicago was waiting to offer me!

After the Marathon, the girls took me on a little tour through Millennium Park, and then it was back home for a much needed shower and nap.

Monday came too soon, and it was my last day in town. After brunch at The Chicago Diner, Alexe and I loaded up my luggage and were on the train back downtown. (I must say, I was definitely getting my sense of direction and growing expertise of the public transportation system down!) We had drinks at the Drake Hotel, and on top of the John Hancock building, overlooking all of Chicago!

All weekend, I kept feeling like I was apart of my most favorite movies, from "My Best Friend's Wedding," to "Ferris Bueller's Day Off". Unfortunately, the end came too soon, and it was time to go back home. I had definitely pushed it to the last minute. It was after 6:00p, and my flight left at 7:30. We hustled outside, and took a cab about 4 blocks to the train station.

We had a  hurried "goodbye" and rushed up to the platform. Within minutes, our respective trains arrived, and rushed us off into opposite directions. I made it back to Midway at 6:50, and ran as fast as my tired little legs could carry me down the corridor to the terminal!

I was sure it was too late to check my luggage, but before I knew it, I was checked in, through security, and even had time to stop at the souvenir shop for a quick purchase of typical crap.

The flight home was the perfect way to reflect on the wonderful time that had just passed. Here I was, this 26 year old girl from small town Colorado, just spent a weekend in one of the biggest cities in the US, and just ran a marathon. Who have I become? I am not really quite sure, but I know I like her.


  1. Vanessa I love this! Thanks for all your kind words! You are an incredible girl and I'm so happy you're part of my life! Hope to see you sooner than later! Come back to Chi-town soon!

  2. Alexe, I meant every word :) You are such an amazing woman and so inspiring! I love you and can't wait to hopefully see you soon!
