Friday, July 19, 2013

LHS Class of 2003 10 Year Ridiculous Reunion.

Could it possibly have been 10 (TEN) years ago that we last walked the halls of Lamar High School? That I stood in the Sr. hallway watching Rachel Bowen fumble over our locker combination, time and time again? That we climbed out of the window in Peggy Machone's math class to ditch out of calculus, and pretended to do physics with Mr. Schlott, (but really went on daily donut runs)??? How quickly the years really do go by.

Last weekend, a few of the kids from the Class of '03 gathered again in Lamar, CO.  And though we are all 10 years older, it really seemed just like a regular high school night. We had a BBQ and drinks in the Larrick's backyard {{Shout-out to Jim & Anita for still being the cool parents}}, and ended up at none other than the infamous Desiree's Nightclub. I know I for one, partied like it was 1999. ((Although I never once partied in 1999, nor 2000-2003 for that matter!) HAHA! I'm pretty sure that last Saturday night my former class mates witnessed me making up for all those high school parties I did not attend ;)

Kali, Laurie, Karli, Ben, Rob, & Leandra
Leandra (Chavez) Damiani, Me, Kali (Hall) Devor. *It's hard to get used to their new last names ;)
Ben Moore, Anthony Martinez, and Angel Gonzales
Had to drag Main & Savage Ave. to check out our old stomping grounds, the glorious LHS

A couple shots of Fireball, and a few rounds of Malibu Sunrises later, I was let loose and ready to get my dance on. Leandra made the ultimate mistake of teaching me how to twerk. {{uh oh}}

Fireball action
Gotta have the beer pong.
Me & Heather (Emick) Bray :)

Leandra decided to be bartender. Oh, wait...that looks like a first aid kit....Oh boy.
Andrew M.F. Aguilera made an appearance!

I couldn't stop myself. I was twerking all over the place. Fortunately I was saved by my sister who came to my rescue and took me home before I could further embarrass myself.  For those of you who were not there to witness; well let me just say thank you :)

Ladies & Gentlemen: Me in all my glory.

Look who came to save me from myself :/ Thank you, Sister

It was fun and crazy, and I'm so glad I made it home for this. It was fun to see some old friends and classmates and see where life has taken us so far. Some of us are married, some with kids. Some of us still act like kids ((pointing finger at self)). Most of us have moved away from Lamar and Colorado, but I am happy to see that some of us are very happy and successful in Lamar. It's a great town that I am proud to be from. I am lucky that I grew up there among such a great crowd.  Until next time, keep it classy, class of '03. Hope to see more of you in 2023. whoa.

**** A little trip down memory lane :) ****

LHS Senior year book
The "Noble [insert highly offensive mascot name here]"
Umm, I kinda forgot about this. I was really the homecoming queen? Awkward...
Even more freshman through senior yearbook photos. Apparently I traded in the bangs of my freshman and sophomore years for stripes in my junior and senior years.

Oh goodness. Life is fun.

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