Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Canyonlands Half Marathon 2013

Last weekend I had such a wonderful time with some friends as we took a great little road trip to Moab, UT to run the Canyonlands Half Marathon. Last fall my friend, Kali, asked me to join her husband Matt and her to run the race with them. This has been one of the half marathons on my bucketlist of events for quite a while, so I jumped at the opportunity! We registered for the lottery and before I was ready, race day was here :)  

This is the first half marathon I have run since July 2011. I had a few other events since then, including the marathon, rky mt. relay, and a few smaller races, but I was feeling a little empty in the half department. I hate to admit after those other two big events, I had been feeling a little burned out with running and was a little scared to get back into it after those silly hip and knee problems of last year. So I was a little frustrated with myself this time around when I wasn't excited and motivated as I always was before my other races. I held back on my training runs, and I would skip the occasional 5 miler if I felt the slightest twinge in my knee, or first little bit of soreness in my hip. I skipped out on my last 11 mile run because it was snowing outside, and I made excuses and didn't want to slip and fall, and I didn't want to put in those miles on the treadmill. I think I let my fear of injury dictate a little too much of this whole thing. So needless to say, I was nervous about the outcome of this race when it came down to the morning of the event, but I was also ready to see if I still had it in me.

Friday morning Matt and Kali picked me up and we were on our way. We loaded up the Subaru {like a few good Colorado kids} and were on our way to Utah. I thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful drive along I-70 west, up and over the mountains of Colorado and into the desert of Utah. We took the scenic highway through the Canyonlands and Arches National Parks. I was in awe of the beautiful landscape of the mesas and canyons carved out by years of the elements.

welcome to the glorious canyonlands

We got to Moab and picked up our race packets. We met Matt's parents for a big pre-race pasta dinner and went for a nice little drive through the beautiful landscape afterward.


We tucked in for an early night and were up and at 'em early the next day. We got loaded up on coffee and were shuttled up into the canyons. The race didn't start until 10am but given that 4000 people had to be shuttled up to the start, we sat around for a couple hours until the race began. Finally it was go time.

me and Kali before the race
The first few miles I was feeling great as I was settling into my pace. I was so relieved to be running without any issues, and I felt like I could run forever. I was definitely out of shape because of my poor training, but I enjoyed every minute of this race for many reasons:
  • I was out of town with great friends having a wonderful time
  • I was running with 4000 people, and remembering why I loved it so much
  • the path was so beautiful and I was inspired & in awe the entire way
  • even when it started to hurt, it was a reminder that nothing is ever easy, but it is always worth it to push yourself to get to where you want to be.

I was mere meters from the finish line and I heard my name being called out by Kali's parents and they were just what I needed to be encouraged! I waved back and powered through to the finish. 02:11:29 was my official time, and although it was one of my slower half marathon times, I was proud and happy of my victory.  Also, I was super excited to be along for the ride my friend, as she ran her first half marathon. It was awesome to be able to be there and celebrate her big event.

we finished!

After the race, Kali's and Matt's parents took us out to lunch and we celebrated our victories. We drove back to Grand Junction and stayed with Kali's parents. We enjoyed dinner and even a little shopping, but it was early to bed for these tired kids....Too bad our twitchy and achy muscles had a different agenda for a restless night...

After a fantastic breakfast-spread and goodbyes it was back on the road to Denver. It was such a wonderful and fun weekend, and I felt so blessed to get to share it with Kali and Matt. It was so nice to be surrounded by family (even it it wasn't my own ;) and feel like a kid again. It truly was like a flahsback to elementary school slumber parties at Kali's. Dede was in such mommy mode, serving us cookies and milk after the race and a huge pancake breakfast the next day. It was so nice and comforting. Who know's, maybe in 30 years I'll be serving up cookies and milk to some little/grown up girls who after twenty-something years of friendship, still remain friends and try new things together :)

Life is good.

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