Monday, December 31, 2012

Ciao Ciao, twenty.twelve.

This morning, as I sip my daily coffee, I sit and ponder the reality that 2012 has come and gone. I had such high expectations for this year, and as I'm recalling my way from January to now, it seems like it was 2 years combined in one. So much has happened this year, and though 2012 did not meet my greatest expectations, I'm happy to say that despite any and all of the bad, the good stuff always wins out. Even though it was relatively a 'hard' year, I know how truly blessed I am for this beautiful life. I have the most amazing family and friends, and if that's all you have at the end of the day, well, I'd say that's pretty lucky. And luckily for me, I really do have the best people.

This year truly went out on a high note, which leaves me optimistic for the new year.  I was reviewing my goals that I made for this year, and sadly I didn't keep them all, but I guess there's always next year!

Just to re-cap:
My Goals for 2012
* Become debt free
--Well.....I was definitely on the path until I took a semi-spontaneous trip to South America. I'll be paying that one off for a while, and it was worth EVERY PENNY!

* Hike a 14er
--I didn't get a 14er in this year, but I did climb up a glacier covered volcano. So I think that's pretty close.
Villarica. Summited Dec. 27, 2012. Pucon, Chile

*Update my passport

* Travel some place new.
--[CHECK] [CHECK]! I went to lots of new places this year!  Washington DC, Corvallis, OR; and alllll over southern Chile!
At the Capitol! April, 2012
Cruising down the PCH September, 2012
Hiking up Villarica, Dec. 27, 2012

  * Compete in epic races
-- [CHECK]! 190 miles (28 miles on my own) from Canon City to Crested Butte, up and over many mountains and trails.
My Amazing relay team! July 28, 2012

* Set a new half marathon PR
--Well sadly I didn't get to run the half marathon I had planned this year, but I will make that happen this year!

* Meet Tim Tebow
-- I am certain that if he hadn't gotten traded to the Jets, this would most certainly have happened!

I guess that's why they're called goals...always something to reach for and strive for. Well, twenty-twelve. it's been real. I'm ready for 2013! It's gonna be a great year, I can just feel it! So in the spirit of "keep on keeping on", I will move forward into 2013 with the same high expectations of a good life :)

**Other Highlights from this year**

January:  Moved into my adorable new pad!!

 February: spent lots of time with some of my favorite old friends

April: I turned 27, Sister turned 21 & I took her to Las Vegas!
27th b-day dinner with great friends!
21st b-day done right!

May: Ran BolderBoulder for the second year with the lovely Robyn and Jessica

 June: Annual Cook family camping trip in New Mexico!

August: Orozco family reunion where we got to meet our new Auntie Birgit!

 September: Met one of my new favorite people :)

October: Fall is just my favorite time of year.

November: Sister and Justin hosted Thanksgiving for the first time!

December: Went to the Nutcracker for  the first time!

Chile!! (Stay tuned for blog about the trip!!

-just me and my thoughts.

Friday, December 14, 2012

I know some pretty cool kids....

This morning as I woke up to the advice on FB for how to pack for an international journey from my well traveled friends, I sat and reflected for a few minutes on just how amazing the people in my life are! It's really no secret, but, if you don't already know about them, well let me just tell you :)

I've always known what I lucky gal I am to have such great and awesome friends, but the more I think about it, the more incredible it really is, that my social circle is so....well, so social! 

Alison spent a year traveling all around the world to 12 or 13 different countries where she experienced countless cultures and ways of life.  Lauren is living in South Korea for the SECOND time, and LOVING it! (And oh my do I love her stories of her experiences and students!) She is soon to be off for a New Year's adventure in Australia to visit our friend Renee who, after teaching yoga in India, has moved to continue to teach yoga in Perth, Australia. Owen is currently vacationing in Spain and other parts of Western Europe. Marianne & Ryan spent some time earlier this year in Thailand and Dubai, I think it was?? Kali, off to Costa Rica in a couple weeks and planning a really long Latin American trip next summer. Gretchen lived in Africa for a long while, doing amazing work there.  Megan's been living in Chile for almost a year now, and has been so gracious in planning the most amazing things for us while I'm there!! I just can't wait to be there! Four more days until I'm SA bound!
 [*I am sure I am leaving out some people because I know you're all awesome and well traveled, but these were just the quick and recent ones I just now thought of off the top of my head.]

So far I've only been to Honduras, and soon Chile. But oh man the places I'm dying to get to are endless. One of these days when I stumble upon all the money I will travel for the rest of my life. But for now I'm so blessed to be able to have had my few experiences so far, and live vicariously through the stories of my amazing people.
 Life is good!

-just me and my thoughts.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Two-Mile Victory.

It's crazy how much can change in so little time. Almost exactly one year ago on October 9, 2011, I ran a marathon. Twentysix.point.two miles. It was the most proud and accomplished moment of my life! This was only two years after I first began running, and my very first event being a half marathon that I trained so diligently to run with my friend, Leigha. I quickly and steadily climbed that running ladder, pushing distances and times that I never thought I'd see! Now....almost twenty races under my belt with most of them being long-distance, I am humbled to say, that one year after the greatest feat of my life, I am happy and proud that tonight I was able to run two.miles.

My how that mighty have fallen..... haha. Or at least that's how I felt about two months ago when I wasn't able to run at all! After the "Epic Relay" from which I suffered my "epic injury";  I felt like such a loser that I couldn't even run twenty steps outside without being in severe pain for a week afterward. I had to go through several rounds of physical therapy for a busted up knee and a whacky hip, and sadly I was forbidden to run. WHAT? I don't think you understand.....running is what I DO! Not to mention, I couldn't help but scoff when the PT handed me a sheet of paper detailing a running schedule that would have me running a 5K in 10 weeks. There must be some mistake, see, I'm a distance runner.....I run 5k's in my naps! Surly there has to be some mistake, I can train for half-marathon in the amount of time you expect me to "train" for a 5K! Well, it was very quickly pointed out that I'm the one suffering, and this is the solution to get me running pain-free. Take it or leave it. Ughhhhhhh.okay.

Needless to say, it is extremely humbling to start over again like a first timer. But it's been paying off! Although I must admit, I haven't exactly stuck to the schedule, I certainly heed the caution of going out too fast and too far. After a couple months of PT and getting back into my regular yoga practice, I think I've finally kicked all the inflammation in my hip and knee. So tonight, on the most beautiful fall evening, I decided to go for it. I was itching all afternoon at work just thinking about the run I would do tonight when I got home! I couldn't get my shoes laced up fast enough! The first block I ran felt incredible! My body was screaming "yes!" This is what I've been missing for so long! I felt so relieved, so free as I kept it up and expected pain, yet not an ounce picked at me! I didn't want to push it too far, and let's face it...I'm severely out of shape so I was actually getting pretty tired, but that two miles was probably my best run of the year. It's a long way from 26.2, but I'll get there again.
-just me and my thoughts.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Getting Back on the Path...

"Search me, O God, and know my heart, try me and know my thoughts."
-Psalm 139:23

 This past year-and-a-half has been one of the most turbulent and tumultuous years of my life full of uncertainty and doubt. In the last 18 months, I've gone through failed relationships, moved back to the city, commuted 120 miles a day, began a new job (which has been less than ideal, & making me miss the office I left), dealt with the marking of 10 years since my mother's death; and on top of all that just trying to maintain some sense of normalcy while dealing with the every day pressures of this world has caused me to feel at times like I'm really going off the deep end. But when I take a step back, and look at the timeline of my life, I can't really say that this year has really been much more dynamic that any other year. I mean, if I'm being honest, this has been the pattern that I've assumed for my life since the day I moved out of Lamar. But why has it seemed so much harder? The only thing I can think of, is the only obvious answer. And it has been staring hard at me for quite some time, I just refused to acknowledge it.

Somehow, along the way and much to my dismay, I've lost my faith. And it breaks my heart to admit that, but it's the truth. Now, it's not at all that I've lost my faith in God, or even the principles that I've always believed in and held on to as truth; it's just that somehow along the way I've just stopped putting my faith into practice. I started to become disgusted with the hypocrites all around me, preaching one thing and practicing another....I was so sick of it all, and I didn't want to be like that.  I slowly stopped going to church, I got 'too busy' to read my Bible, I stopped surrounding myself with people of similar faith, and began getting too involved in worldy things. I tried to buy into the lie that "I don't need to sit in a pew every Sunday to have a relationship with God" (and while that may be true to a certain extent, I clearly wasn't strong enough to be the exception to the rule). I slowly but surely, got further and further away from the path of righteousness, that I've almost forgotten what it was like to be in grace of God.

I never wanted to be labeled as a "close-minded, judgmental, hypocritical Christian", and I think that that fear allowed me to get too far away, and ultimately the only one fooled was myself.  Just to be clear, I am aware of all my faults and shortcomings, and I don't want to be looked at as an example of what a "good christian" should be. Because that fact of the matter is, I cuss like a sailor, I drive like a bat out of hell, and I just like to do what I want to do, when I want to do it! And sadly, I got so wrapped up in my own stubborn ways, that slowly I've let God slip into the back seat, and lately, I don't even think I let him back in the car at the last stop. But Praise the Lord, He has never left me. Even when I haven't allowed Him to be an active part of my life, He was still always there, waiting for me, welcoming me back into His arms. And I realize that so much now....Just how much I need Him. How much better my life was, when I spoke with Him every day. How little my problems seemed to be, and in general, how much happier I was with Him in my heart. Oh, how I've missed that. The days when nothing could get me down. So I've made the decision: not only do I need to get right with God, I want to get right with God. My heart desires nothing more. Just like the prodigal son, I am returning home to my Father's house, and I am so thankful that He welcomes me back and loves me. I am so thankful that His mercies are new every morning, and that every day I get another chance to try and get it right!

This weekend, I spent so much time with God, and I enjoyed every minute of it. I let praise & worship music fill my home, I found a wonderful church that I'm excited to make my regular house of worship, and I really dug into the word. Last night, I happened upon a scripture, and it particularly spoke to me:

Mark 4:14-20 NIV
-"The Farmer sows the word. Some people are like seed along the path where the word is sown. As soon as they hear it, Satan comes and takes away the word that was sown in them. Others, like seed sown on rocky places, hear the word and at once receive it with joy. But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. Still others, like seeds sown among thorns, hear the word, but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful. Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop - - thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times what was sown."

As soon as I read this passage, I couldn't help but picture myself as both the rocky soil and the thorny soil. I know I haven't entirely turned my back on God, and in past months when I would get the desires to praise Him, and receive His word, unfortunately, I was not good soil so no fruit was produced. I want to be the good soil! It is my desire to live a life wholly devoted to serving my God. I want to become pure again. I want to become kind again. I want to walk in love and light, and I want people to look at me and say to themselves, "there's something different about that girl." I want to be able to rest my anxious thoughts, and know beyond a doubt that even if the world goes to hell in a hand basket, I'm okay, because my heavenly father loves me, and He will care for me. It won't happen over night, and I know I'll stumble all along the way, but I will get back on the path, and I will welcome any encouragement along the way :)

-just me and my thoughts.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Because I said sew...Keeping the original hem

One of the more frustrating things about being so short, is the problem of clothing not fitting properly, in particular pants. I do have to say, for being only 4'10" I usually do have pretty good luck finding jeans that fit, but sometimes, I have to do a little leg work (haha, I like my little pun). Typically if I find a really nice fitting pair of jeans that are too long, I pay a seamstress about $20 per pair to have them altered with the original hem of the pant. This can get expensive, but it's worth it to not look ridiculous in a cheap-looking, cheesy, unmatched hem.

I found this pair of jeggings, [why yes, I said jeggings] at JC Penny last year, for about $12.00 in the junior department. I bought them because I figured they would be perfect for tucking into boots. I truly didn't know how much use I'd get out of them, and they have proven to be a great purchase! The only problem was they were 6 inches too long, so I would just roll them about 3 times before putting on my boots. This became annoying because they would gather too tightly around my ankles and it would be uncomfortable. I thought about taking them into the seamstress, but certainly wasn't going to pay more money than the price of the jeans, just to have them fit a little bit better! So this morning I decided to take full advantage of the cold and dreary day, and bust out the sewing machine for a little project. And now that boot season is in full force, I need my jeggings!

I measured my jeans to ankle length, & decided that 5.5" needed to come off.

I divided that measurement in half and pinned my jeans at 2.75" 
(Do not include the original hem of the pants in the measurement)

I tried to find a good matching thread in my box without having to go to the store, and I decided on black. It was far less noticeable than the blue thread. You can use a good quality jean-thread, but I'm too cheap and lazy to head out into the cold for that. So I'll see how this holds up!

This little project required some modifications to my sewing machine...because these jeans were so tight, I had to remove the front cover of the machine in order for the jeans to fit around. Keeping to the right of the hem, sew a line as closely as you can get to the original hem.


I made a boo-boo. Because these jeans are so damn tight and skinny, I had a rather difficult time moving the fabric through the machine. After I completed the first leg, I realized that my alignment was completely off....Thank goodness for seam rippers! When I started over,  I added more pins to the top of the hem to help keep everything in place, and used the side-ends as a guide.

After I the sewing was complete, I cut off the excess fabric inside the jean.
 I steam ironed the new hem a few times to get a good flat line.

And just like that: new jeans that fit! It's not the best job in the world, but it saved me $20 dollars and these will probably only ever be worn tucked into boots! I'll be less embarrassed of a slightly off-hem when I take off my boots, than a half-foot of bunched up material around my ankles!

 -just me and my thoughts.

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Most Wonderful Fall Weekend

I'm pretty sure that this last weekend has to go down in the books as the perfect autumn weekend. Ever.  I've made no secrets that Fall is my favorite time of year, so it's pretty easy for me to be in a great mood these days, but it seems like it's been even better during the first official autumn weekend. Where do I begin with how lovely this season is?  I love waking up to the dark, crisp cool mornings, and the ever present smell of pumpkin & cinnamon spice; the beautiful orange and gold aspens that line our spectacular mountain sides and front range; the endless possibilities of warm goodies that hail from my oven; football parties; cuddling up under a blanket with a movie in the background; and lastly, the knowledge that winter is quickly on it's way, so it's a constant reminder to soak up and enjoy these last few days of t-shirts and sandals. And it seems like all of that was compiled into one perfect little weekend :) Lucky Me.

I've been in my typical phase of needing to change up my hair. I go through this about every 2 years where I decide I need to mix it up and put some warm brown highlights in my hair. It usually doesn't last longer than a few weeks before I'm over it, and go buy a bottle of dark hair dye just to cover it back to natural again; but this Friday I decided to go for it and change it up again. I had a lovely afternoon in the salon sitting under the warm lights while the stylist weaved some pretty brown highlights into my dark blob. Later that evening, Alison came over for our "Fall Baking Extravaganza". We made pumpkin cake and two loaves (a healthy version, and a not-so-healthy version) of zucchini bread!

Two zucchini loaves and pumpkin cake :)


 Saturday morning, Jake and I planned to spend the day in the mountains. We took a leisurely drive to Vail for a wonderful day of aspen gazing, lunching, and coffee drinking. We made several loops around the resort village, and stopped to take some pictures. I wanted to stop in Breckenridge on the way home for dinner, but somehow, I was not paying attention and I missed the exit. We ended up going back to Jake's hometown of Lafayette and walked around the lake where we watched the sun set behind the mountains from a park bench. It was too perfect for words. 
such a pretty town.

So thrilled that I get to call this spectacular place "home".

Sunday afternoon, Nick, Alison, and I drove back to Lafayette where Jake's parents had a lovely BBQ planned. We lunched, laughed, and had a great time. We decided to walk down to the local thrift store where we happened upon some great finds! Too bad I had left my wallet at the house....haha

Found a mannequin head that looked oddly like Jake...

It was a whirlwind of a weekend, and I enjoyed every single minute of it! 
Ugh. It's Monday night. four.more.days.till.friday. 
Can't wait!

-just me and my thoughts.